For any age of dog from 6 months upwards.
Canine Hoopers is a new and upcoming dog sport in the UK. To learn a little more about what it is all about, take a look at the promotional video HERE.
It is low impact, so is suitable for dogs of all ages (including puppies!), and uses equipment which is accessible for dogs of all sizes, from mini to giant!
The basic equipment comprises of hoops, big 80cm diameter tunnels and barrels to run around. Hoopers courses are designed to encourage distance handling which is great for handlers of all abilities - no sprinting is required!
The classes are taken by Emma Cowie-Shaw who qualified as an Accredited Canine Hoopers UK Instructor in 2018. She is also a Platinum member of the UK Hoopers Pro Instructor network, teaching Hoopers skills from complete beginners to competition level.
For your dog to be able to attend these classes:
- Your dog will need to be able to work off lead in a group environment with a good recall.
- Your dog must be motivated to train for food rewards (we can use toys once the foundations are in place).
If your dog is new to dog sports, you must have completed the Hoopers Foundation Workshop prior to starting the Canine Hoopers Classes. If you haven't attended our Hoopers Foundation Workshop, you can do so by booking online HERE.
The Weekly Classes
Our weekly classes run in blocks of 6 sessions running on Sunday mornings at the indoor arena at Brookfield Equestrian Centre in Brindle.
These classes cover all of the fundamental behaviours you need to know to be able to start completing simple Hoopers courses, building on the foundation topics covered during the introductory workshop. We then progress in skill and course complexity to test the handlers and the dogs whilst having fun together! Some people progress on to compete whereas others prefer just to attend to have some time with their dogs whilst giving them an appropriate outlet for fantastic exercise and mental stimulation.
During the classes we work through the criteria for our Confident Canines Hoopers Level Awards. These awards run from Level 1 through to Level 5 with an additional Technical Handling Award for those who wish to really test themselves!
- Sunday 11th May 11am.
BOOK NOW (£120 for the course of six sessions)