(2 hours)

This session is designed to take place in your own home (either before your puppy comes home or during the first few weeks of them arriving) to help set you and your puppy off on the right path. 

We know which information you need, what your early training priorities should be, and all the do's and dont's to prevent mistakes being made!

hollyTypical topics covered:
  • Early training priorities (they probably aren't what you think they are!)
  • Toilet training for success
  • How to manage puppy mouthing/biting and jumping
  • Preventing the development of unwanted behaviours
  • Socialisation and habituation - do's and don'ts
  • Crate training – daytime & night-time
  • Building connection and the bond between you and your puppy
  • Puppy development phases – what to expect
  • The all-important mental stimulation
  • Developing confidence in your puppy
  • Preparing your puppy for walks
  • Feeding and grooming regimes
  • Integrating your new puppy into a home with young children or other animals
  • Any specific breed traits to be aware of and how to manage them

After the training session you will be provided with a set of training notes that detail the topics covered so that you can refer back to them as needed.

The cost for the Puppy Preparation Session (2 hours) is £140.




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